Monday, May 13, 2013

I've Received My Calling - Now What Do I Do With It?

“Your calling isn’t something that somebody can tell you about. It’s what you feel. It is the thing that gives you juice, the thing that you are supposed to do. And nobody can tell you what that is. You know it within yourself.” – Oprah Winfrey

I have admired Oprah from the time I first saw her in “The Color Purple” so I’m dedicating this post to her and sharing some of her material as it seems to apply directly to my particular situation.

If you read my blog post last week you’ll know that I recently became aware that I have a calling. Why it took me almost 49 years to figure it out is a mystery to me, and why I didn’t put all the pieces together even after receiving signs since at least 2003 is an even bigger mystery.

But I’m listening now, and I’m acting on it, so I guess that’s what’s important.

I recently ran across an article on and realized that although my circumstances are a bit different than hers the basics are pretty much the same.

In her own words:

1. How does what you're doing make you feel? 
“When you're honoring your calling there's an undeniable sense of stimulation and exhilaration. It feels like you're giving and getting ‘juice’ from the experience. It just feels right.”

Last week after my post I felt more alive than I’ve felt in years. Many people are used to me posting random musings, funny pictures, and the occasional rant but I’ve never posted anything quite that personal before. I knew that once it was up and out there was no turning back – I was committed.

I feel great to be a part of something bigger than myself, more important than anything I have ever done. Some parts of it make me feel uncomfortable, but if I didn’t feel uncomfortable that in and of itself wouldn’t feel right. As Oprah said “it just feels right.”

2. Does it have a positive impact on others?
“Anything that makes you feel strong, connected, and aligned with your truth does the same when shared – whether it's making pie or choreographing a dance or counseling a friend. Nothing that really calls you is ever for you alone.”

One of the goals of our upcoming project is to make a positive impact, not only within the LGBT community but also outside of our community, educating people.

Although I’ve never considered myself a teacher in the most strict sense of the word I recently learned that I’ve touched many peoples’ lives that I didn’t necessarily know I’d made an impact on through my speaking and facilitating within my own industry. And that makes me feel good.

3. Does it turn up the volume and increase the vibration of your life? 
“Whenever you're engaged in the business of who you're meant to be you're more awake, alive, and ready to play a vital part in your world. When others see your light shining they'll be inspired to shine theirs, too.”

The above quote from Oprah says it all. By discovering who I’m supposed to be, what I’m supposed to do, I’ve apparently already inspired folks to share their own stories. And that, in turn, “turns up” my volume.

One of the many messages I received last week was from a former student I’d met only once when I was facilitating a forum within my own industry last October:

“Charles, I met you in October. When I heard you speak during your presentations I was in school. You were one of the only people I remembered from the entire conference. For some reason you have stayed in my mind.

Since I graduated I'm discovering that it's really hard to get your foot in the door so I'm trying to go on my own and I have to be honest, you're one of the reasons I even dared.

You did it and it showed me that it can be done. I've gotten two clients since I started doing my own thing and so far I've loved every second of it.

The reason I'm writing you now is because I just read your blog post and you are such an inspiring person. That post is so moving, it's amazing how much one person can inspire somebody, isn't it?
Thank you again for being my inspiration.”

“Wow” is all I can say to that.

Last week was a pretty powerful week for me. While I’m still not ready to reveal too much about our project, I can tell you things are moving at lightning speed.

We successfully recruited several high profile steering committee members last week and now have a plan in place. I am grateful for the amazing people from all areas of my life that have come forward and said they want to help – with our overall cause, with the formation of our non-profit, and especially people who want to share their stories.

Again, I ask you to stay tuned, as the best is yet to come.

Best Wishes, Charles

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